

Affordable rental housing for migrants and unhoused


Eco-habitats plans to build tiny houses in India using the best materials and well thought-through designs. Tiny houses measure around 300 square feet and can accommodate up to four people when required. By building small, they will leave half of the plot empty where one can grow trees to feel closer to nature and help reduce electricity consumption by climatically sheltering the houses. People can also grow their own food on the remaining land as most are equipped with immense knowledge of tending the land from their villages. The cost of construction of one house will be around 4.5 lacs and can be rented for a nominal 1500 or 2000 rupees a month so as to make them affordable for all.


Harshit Singh Kothari

Harshit Singh Kothari studied Architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, UK. he has worked in England, Switzerland and India on projects ranging from holiday homes in the Alps to rural housing in Gujarat. he has also been a visiting faculty at School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal.

Tanvi Jain

Tanvi Jain studied Architecture at the Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology, Ahmedabad, India. she has previously worked in Sri Lanka and has attended an exchange programme at ETH, Zurich. Having presented a paper at PLEA Edinburgh in 2017, she has been working towards designing and building low cost houses in urban area.


North India

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