Vigyaan Shala

Vigyaan Shala

Equipping youth with quality STEM education & skills through project based learning & mentoring


VigyanShaala aims to make quality STEM education accessible to the most marginalised communities across India. Their guided training, mentoring and projects based learning helps youth acquire critical 21st century skills and prepare them for the technology-focused workforce of the future. VigyanShaala has so far conducted over 50 workshops, engaging with 10,000+ Students from school, undergraduate levels and 500+ teachers with exciting hand-on experiments across the breadth of India.


Dr Darshana Joshi

Dr Darshana Joshi is an experimental physicist with 8+ years of experience in interdisciplinary research, mentor, the founder and CEO of VigyanShaala. Darshana holds PhD in Physics from Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Towards the end of her PhD she became the first Indian women elected as the President of Graduate Union, the primary representative body of postgraduate students at the University of Cambridge. A winner of several excellence awards and scholarships, Darshana was endorsed by the Royal Society, London as an Exceptional Talent.

Dr Vijay Venugopalan

Dr Vijay Venugopalan holds a PhD in Physics from Politecnico Di Milano, Italy with the prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship of European Commission. Vijay has over 10+ years of research experience in both academia as well as the industry specialising in new-age semiconductor, bioelectronics and optoelectronics across India, Italy and the UK. A keen public engagement enthusiast and mentor Vijay is the managing Trustee and Chief Operating Officer of VigyanShaala.

Bhuwan Joshi

Bhuwan is a dynamic social science graduate with diverse educational, research and field experience. Bhuwan obtained his undergraduate degree in social sciences at the School of Rural Development, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai and MA in Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy from the Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. A keen teacher with open collaborative learning approach, Bhuwan has a keen interest in employing quantitative and ethnographic research techniques for policymaking and governance.

Sagar Sharma

Sagar graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay with a Master's degree in Communications Engineering. Owing to Sagar’s significant contributions and leadership roles at IIT-B, Sagar was awarded the Institute Citation and Department Roll of Honour (Electrical Engineering) for the year 2016. His passion and enthusiasm for demystifying science for younger students inspired Sagar to quit his job in the communications industry and run Vigyan Chetna Yatras in Uttrakhand for almost a year and half and later founding VigyanShaala. 


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