Maldhari Rural Action Group (MARAG)

Maldhari Rural Action Group (MARAG)

Empowering and upskilling women to live a life of prosperity with diversified livelihood sources and minimal risk during a disaster


Maldhari Rural Action Group (MARAG) is striving to equal the play-field for communities who rely on Common Property Resources through direct actions and interventions. These communities include Pastoralists, Dalits, Tribals, youth, women, children and other marginalised groups. MARAG was established at the time when pastoralists were not recognized as development actors and there was no other organisation working exclusively with them. Their efforts have translated into a movement of the pastoralists in Gujarat and outside. The organisation aims to revive the traditional dominance of Maldhari women over pastoral lands and community resources through the Meri Mitti Challenge.


Neeta Pandya

Ms Neeta Pandya is a dedicated pastoralism and women empowerment advocate working since 1992 with local communities in and around Gujarat, India. Her vast experience ranges from working for the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme in India and Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) Department. She later founded Maldhari Rural Action Group (MARAG) in 1995 and has since dedicated her life and work to pastoralists and marginalised communities.

Dinesh Desai

Mr. Dinesh Desai brings with him 20+ yrs of development experience, across a multitude of issues. He has served as the global council member for the International Land Coalition from 2018-21. Moreover, he is also a part of the Steering Committee of Land Forum India.


Meri Mitti Challenge

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